
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Support Sakshum

At Sakshum we believe that money is required to support good causes but is not the only element which we can expect from others. There are a number of ways in which anyone can support us. This will not only help someone in need but also will bring you the peace of mind and soul. Some of the good ways to support Sakshum are:

Spend Time with us:

You can join Sakshum's mailing list by clicking Join Us. We will keep you updated about all the activities we plan at Sakshum. You can be a part of our meetings and can contribute by involving with us in discussions and giving your valuable inputs.

Spread the Word:

Well, if you think that time is something which you lacks the most for doing a social work then this is the option for you. Please spread the word by Inviting your friends. Tell people about Sakshum site or give our contact details. You never know when you tell someone, he might be the most needy person on this Earth for the same. You can use our facebook channel and twitter stream for the same.

Be A part of Sakshum:

If you believe like Sakshum team that you can make a difference. If you want to serve humanity with a greater degree of reasonability and courage then you can join us as a member. As an active member you can pick up an area of interest and can contribute to the society by collaborating with Sakshum volunteers. You can check how can you volunteer based on your skill set here. For more details please

Blood Donor Database:

Sakshum is building a blood donor database. Which is already good enough to serve the people in need. You can register with us as a blood donor and also can be a Point of Contact (POC) to help others in need. For more details about POC please click here.

If you want to give us financial support, which is also an important element for doing any activity then you can contribute in following ways:

Donate a desktop/laptop:

You can donate us your used/old desktop or laptop computer. Even if is not fully functional or of pretty old configuration still it will help those children who have never seen a computer. We actively work with few schools and agencies who are working in the field of child education. We donate such computers by making them functional to the needy slum or govt schools. Please if you have one.

Buy A Tshirt:

Wear a nice tshirt and support Sakshum. This will help us in supporting more people in need. To place an order click here

Make A Donation:

You can donate us money by clicking the below image. No amount is small and every penny counts to support a cause.

donate now

Sponsor A Child's Education:

There are many children who are below poverty line and getting there primary education from slum schools. Few of these children are bright and deserves better. You can sponsor a child's education and shape up his career. if you are willing to sponsor a child's education. It is not mandatory to commit for the full life education. You can continue as long as you are comfortable. Please visit here for more details.

Adopt A School:

Sakshum is now adopting the slum or govt school which are seriously lacking quality education and bare minimum facilities. You can be a part of this initiative and give us your helping hand. We need all kind of support for this project like volunteers, teachers, old useful books, and financial help. Please visit here for more details.

Donate Old Clothes, shoes, toys etc.:

Well, everybody do have a lot of unused stuff at home. You do not throw these or use these but just keep it. May be they are good for nothing for you but they are worth for the children and people staying in shelter homes, slum areas and even just on roads. You can donate us things like old clothes, toys, shoes, slippers, crockery, books, stationary etc. We use them for the needy.

Save Money:

This is a new initiative from Sakshum. To be a part of this initiative idea is to start saving some money every month. It could be any amount fix or variable but every month. Just keep it aside and on the name of a good cause. Whenever, you feel that you want to do some good work and spend that money for a good cause, just do it. You can and we will show you the people who are in real need of that money. We will help you to spend that money for a real good cause and in front of you.